Upstate New York Engineers SUB Fund-Local 17 Members

The purpose of the Upstate New York Engineers Supplemental Unemployment Fund (SUB Fund) is to provide supplemental income in the event you are unemployed, unable to work due to an accident or sickness, on jury duty, a member of the Armed Forces Reserves and called for two weeks annual training, and/or retired.

In order to be eligible for S.U.B benefits, you must have earned a minimum of 400 hours of credit for work in Covered Employment in the jurisdiction of Local 17 during the 12 months prior to your application for benefits.

The weekly benefits paid by the Fund are based on the number of hours for which contributions were received by the Fund on your behalf during the twelve months prior to the month in which your S.U.B. claim is opened.

The S.U.B. Fund’s weekly benefits (except for Jury Duty) will be paid as follows:

Hours Amount
1,000 hours and over (maximum credit) $195.00
900-999 hours $176.00
800-899 hours $164.00
700-799 hours $154.00
600-699 hours $142.00
500-599 hours $131.00
400-499 hours $121.00
Less than 400 hours-Not Eligible

Duration Of Benefits

Supplemental Unemployment Benefits will be paid to participants for each week that they continue to meet all of the eligibility requirements of the Plan up to a maximum of 27 weeks per claim year. Supplemental Workers’ Compensation and Supplemental Disability Benefits will be paid to participants for each week that they continue to meet all of the eligibility requirements of the Plan up to a maximum of 52 weeks per claim year.

Application For Benefits


When applying for Supplemental Unemployment Benefits you must properly complete and submit the S.U.B. Certification Card and a copy of your State Unemployment Official Record of Benefit Payment History to the Fund Office. S.U.B. Certification Cards and return envelopes are available at the Fund Office or at your Local Union Office.

Download a S.U.B. claim slip



When applying for Supplemental Disability Benefits or Supplemental Workers’ Compensation Benefits, you must properly complete the front of the Supplemental Disability application. Your attending physician must properly complete the back of the Disability application, and the Disability application must be received at the Fund Office for processing. Supplemental Disability forms and return envelopes are available at the Fund Office or your Local Union Office.

Download a Supplemental Disability form


For more information about the Supplemental Unemployment Benefit call the Fund Office at (315) 492-1796, Ext. 316, or refer to the S.U.B. Summary Plan Description.